Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to Do the Ollie

How to Do the Ollie

Jump Starter

Ok, I'm going to teach you how to do the Ollie. Alright the first step you need to do is get on your board in the stance that you would be riding. Ok the next step you want to do is bend down and jump up in the air, and at the same time you want to snap the tail against the ground as hard as you can so that the board will pop up in the air, make sure your back foot is about three to four inches behind the front hardware.

Next at the top of your ollie your want to slide your front foot forward up the board. That will cause the board to level out so you can land on it right. The ollie is the most important trick to learn because almost every other trick in skateboarding comes from the Ollie. The ollie is the base of almost every trick. And if you want to take the ollie to the next level, once you get really good at it try doing it over stuff like curbs, benches, your friends board. And they also have highest ollie competition.

So go practice, because if you want to be able to any kind of trick in skateboarding you have to know how to ollie.  And one special tip about doing the ollie is you want to be careful not to put your front foot back to far or it will cause you to not have very good balance while doing the ollie.

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