Color therapy is the healing power of light as color. It can be as basic as color filters with a special lamp with high power, or the use of specific colored clothing. Or it may be the ability to give birth to intensive multi-dimensional vibration frequencies of light are called the color rays for deep healing. It has been discussed, especially the latter, because it is my specialty. However, an introduction to the history of healing with color is a good place toto start.
Atlantis, Lemuria, and ancient Egypt, Greece, India, Tibet and China, all the cultures that have known and worked with the power to heal with color. Many of these lessons have been over the centuries to those followers were generally not used by the masses past. This ancient knowledge in the "mystery schools" housed, was initiated secret meetings in which the information was to be sacred won who could prove to be worthy.
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More recently, in the 19th and 20Ages, there have been people who deal with color and light therapy, patients used in medicine. In 1800 Dr. Edwin Babbitt used in the UK a "chromodisc", set the light on the body. He also placed in bottles of colored water in the sun (called solar elixirs), the patient was later used to cure certain to achieve. Dr. Dinshah Ghadiali Indian who moved to the U.S. in early 1900 has developed, Spectro-Chrome different colors of light to apply to certain parts of the bodyto heal. His student, Dr. Kate Baldwin, a native of Philadelphia, the surgeon often uses in his long career as a doctor of light. The therapy is not clear with the American medical establishment, which has enabled these devices to stop and tried the practice of the practitioners were, is called quackery. Today I barely recognize the validity of this method of healing, albeit through an unofficial interest and immersion in some of the alternative methods of treatmentopen the profession.
Almost 25 years ago I completed my training as a nurse. By the end of my school years that not only had a serious case of burnout, but also reflect. I wanted to work with healing, but not the way it was put in the medical profession. I left the camp and turned his eyes away from the area. At some point my long-term interest in metaphysics began at the front burner position to shoot and I found myself in many of the holistic fairand occasional workshops. I've always loved to say luck, but every time I have one, I said I was a healer. How frustrating! I would tell them, "Been there, done that", but the answer would come back. "I do not know what it is, but it is unusual."
I'm sure the players have experience in the "right place at the right time," where "out" the perfect class or a book or a person who had information for you. This is what has happened to me.Finally, it was clear that I had something to do with light and color should be. At first, I was asked to complete the aura camera and then read in the photos. The aura camera, as then, was developed by a California man named Guy Coggins. He and I agreed that it was impossible for some of the things in the photos have appeared only on the camera itself. We would like to see strange lights and shapes in the aura. Most of the time were the leaders of the non-physicalthe photographee. And the color of the light that says the electromagnetic field of a history person. The color is representative of who you are. " It 'been a good workout for me because it helped me confirm my intuition and land me in the "rays of the rainbow."
One of my first experiences with the color of healing has come through one of the lamps samples over 15 years. I had a low degree of influence, not serious, but debillitating. I could move and causemost of my normal daily tasks, but I feel great. A friend had one of the lamps, and we thought that I should have had a meeting with him. He used a turquoise color with a mega-watt light filter. I lay down and absorbs light. More than 1 / 2 hour into it, I started your classic crisis of healing: shaky, cold, change of energy. I knew then that I had sufficient contacts with the color. I remember as a state of health bounce, not long after that meeting.
On Earth,The color is for his recovery (or lack of healing) inclinations known. Color for the environment has a subtle but significant effect on the welfare of a person. There have been studies was the use of special colors in the hospital. Mint green was shown that the OP effect, facilitates a more rapid postoperative recovery. Pink Rose in psychiatry calms down hyper, patients irrational. blue in the conference rooms for meetings to communicate more of the light are not allowed.
The colorClothes you wear can also affect how you feel in your daily life. The colors on the walls of the rooms and furniture in them affect us, in fact, every color has an effect all around us. But all this is as a color pigment. Bright colors are different.
The color is the light frequency. The color therapists use light energy in the form of heat radiation color reflects the full spectrum of colors. Every shade and shadow on a specific frequency swing. Some rays of color or"The energy of laser light, not only for lighting, harmony and communication with the intelligence of our five senses, but also for the healing of body, mind, to use, and emotions. Color therapy can align the 'spiritual essence of a being. Its multi-level source of emanation makes it one of the most powerful methods of healing. It is not strictly rely on physical methods of treatment.
E 'possible, as a healer, tap into interdimensional realms of consciousness of such accessColor of energy. We call the source of this collective consciousness by many names: God, Allah, Jehovah, the Great Spirit or the Creator to name a few. Or you can just use the universal flow or life force. There is no need for a particular philosophy or religion. And 'the universal life energy.
The color therapist sees the universe as a hologram, or as complex a piece of jewelry. The points of energy healing color of the person he works with a "holistic," holographic way. AsMetaphysical or spiritual seekers focus, we can also see how scientists is that the quantum universe is not necessarily related in a linear format, with everything in a nice little series' past, present and future. This perspective reminds us of every individual as a complex, multidimensional nature, which not only expressive, with a physical body, but with an emotional body, mental body and spiritual body.
Our physical eyes can not see this color radiant as you pourfrom the source. However, our internal mental exercise you can view the splendor of light. These ethereal beams of light, properly channeled to offer an intense healing experience. The energies of the people are collected and harmonized, and the clarity is restored.
A large part of the benefits and the degree of recovery achieved depends, of course, as the person is open or receptive to light. However, customers should not be a believer to get a cure. Another consideration isthe past negative karma and thought he is willing to solve. The healer is always the primary individual therapy, but they need a line of healing, an intermediary or "jump-starter" (a term I am happy) to provoke the healing energies of the customer.
The color adds color therapist for the purpose of sending them to people in need. It was felt throughout the body like a wave of energy - a sensation of heat (either electric or magnetic), as it travels throughand hands, and often through the heart and solar plexus centers. While this happens, it can be seen intuitively, thin or captured.
It is not known, but must qualify in a state of extreme imbalance of healing color. No use of light is always wasted. The more one is infused with light, the more we became aware that he / she and the cosmic light are really the same thing.
What color is the treatment of energy?
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